Classification method of hydraulic breaker tool
According to the operation mode: hydraulic breakers are divided into two categories: handheld and airborne; according to the working principle: hydraulic breakers are divided into three categories: full hydraulic, hydraulic and gas combined and nitrogen explosion. The hydraulic and gas combined type relies on hydraulic oil and the rear compressed nitrogen to expand and push the piston to work at the same time. Most of the breakers belong to this type of product; according to the classification of the valve structure: hydraulic breakers are divided into two types: built-in valve type and external valve type.
In addition, there are various other classification methods, such as travel feedback type and pressure feedback type crushers according to the feedback method; low noise type and standard type crushers according to the size of the noise; according to the shell type, it can be divided into triangle and tower type Crushers; classified according to the diameter of the drill rod; according to the shell structure can be divided into splint type and box type crusher and so on.
Post time: Nov-10-2021